Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bowl of daylilies - July 29


  1. Aren't these gorgeous? We are baking here. All is brown almost. I was thinking today about your comment that you live outdoors at this season. I live indoors now and more outdoors in the winter when it is cooler. We are flip-flopped.

    Saw a license plate from your state on Sunday and felt sorry for the hot-looking people inside the car. Thought of you.

  2. I thought of you fondly last night when I happened to read this in my newest Gladys Taber book -
    "The day lilies began to bloom all over, lifting tawny cornucopias in great profusion. They seemed like a message of hope for us...Their vigor is incredible. They even grew under the giant sugar maples, and still do, all these years later. They are lovely in the house, but each bloom lasts just a day, so bouquets of them are not a lazy woman's job. But in a copper jug on an old trestle table, they are very special."

    Isn't that crazy that I read that just before reading your lesson from a day lily today?

  3. Kay, you should have gone up and asked where they lived! I just heard you are having the longest streak of over 100ยบ temps. Is it a record? We just had the rainiest July on record. Flip flopped is right.
    Alison, I love that quote. Which book is it from? It is amazing you read it just then! Thank you for sharing the whole quote.

  4. It's from Stillmeadow Calendar, the June chapter. It's one of my favorite books of hers, although it's a little sad because it's one she wrote after Jill died, and I always feel a pang in my heart when she mentions things like having to buy sweetcorn at the store because Jill isn't around to plant it.


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