Saturday, March 8, 2008

Chocolate Chip Bars

Because it looks like this outside:

I made some chocolate chip bars. What is it about a dreary, rainy day that positively beckons one to bake?

Chocolate Chip Bars

Mix together:
1 cup flour
1 cup rolled oats
3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup softened butter

Save 1/2 cup of the mixture, and put the rest in a greased 9 x 13 pan. Pour a 14 oz. can of sweetened condensed milk evenly over the crust. Sprinkle with a 12 oz. package of chocolate chips, and top with the remaining oat mixture.

Bake at 350ยบ F. 25-30 minutes. Let cool before cutting.

Easy and delicious. The perfect antidote to the weather.


  1. Na,
    I'm sitting here salivating! Nancy is right: they are sinful.

  2. Not sinful, just delicious! Let me know what you think if you ever make them, okay?

  3. Hey, just because something is unctuously mouth-watering doesn't mean it's a sin! These even have oatmeal in them!

  4. And - dare I mention it, Night Stranger? Whole wheat pastry flour. :<)

  5. Oh man. I've got to try this one! Love the addition of oats.

  6. Me, too, Tara. I love oats in most anything -crisps and crunches, etc.

  7. Spring is sloshing its way in. Chocolate makes everything bearable.

  8. Nan, We had a version of these in my home growing up and called Magic Cookie Bars. In my husband's childhood home they were called "Santa Snacks." Yummy memories! :)

  9. They are like magic cookie bars minus the graham crackers, nuts, and coconut. This is a bit quicker to make, and handy if you don't have graham crackers on hand. I actually offered the magic cookie bar recipe in a very early blog entry:

  10. When I read, hear, smell, see chocolat....I'm lost!! I have copied this recipe and will have a try. Thank you for it!


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