Monday, August 31, 2009

Cranberry Squares

Instead of freezing the leeks I picked today, I decided to make Gladys Taber's Leek and Potato Soup. And to go with it:

Cranberry Squares

Preheat oven to 350ยบ F.
Grease 8x8 pan

Melt 1/3 cup butter

Whisk two eggs and add:
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
melted butter
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 1/4 cups cranberries (fresh or frozen)

Put mixture in pan and bake about 40 minutes or until golden brown.

I love cranberries, and this was just the ticket for supper on this cool evening.


  1. Oh Man, now I have to go out & get cranberries

    Looks So Good

  2. Those look yummy, and easy!

    I wish I was your neighbour, and that you brought over left over food to my house all the time. I would lend you books so you wouldn't have to buy any.

  3. another delicious treat to fatten up the ole tummy! I cannot resist I will have to make this! ARGH! wait until I post my blueberry dessert! I will expect to see you indulge! lol hehehe

  4. I have been printing out your recipes. Tried the banana cake a few weeks ago, and everybody loved it -- even without the frosting!

    Thanks, Nan!

  5. JC, they should be in the stores soon, right? Mine were in the freezer from last year.

    Raidergirl, they are both! I could quite easily move there. :<)

    Linda, you'll love it!

    Gigi, I can't tell you how much that pleases me. Thank you.

  6. HI NAN
    Thanks for the visit. Yes the fish just swim down to the deepest part of the pond and stay there all winter. Amazing!
    I'd just read your cranberry dessert earlier and was thinking I want to make that as I still have some cranberries in my freezer.
    It really has been above 85 for 3 wks, until today, and now I am in the baking mood. The heat and humidity have been the ususal
    August unbearable, but I believe you have cooler temps already by the looks of your garden there in New England. Lucky you as I don't care for the heat. But soon it will be much colder.

  7. I love cranberries, too and that looks absolutely scrumptious!!!

  8. Yum! Sounds and looks as delicious as always. :) What are we looking at in the lovely new header photo...hornet's nest, swallows? I'm off to find cranberries in the freezer. :)

  9. So I'm sitting here reading your blog at 10:48 pm and now I'm seriously hungry!!! But the recipe looks very easy...I'll have to make these!!!

  10. These look AMAZING! I now want to make them tonight...if I can find cranberries for sale anywhere!

  11. Would it work as well with blueberries do you think, Nan? I have those frozen in the frezer...

  12. These sound have I got any cranberries..? I'll have to go look
    It must be a day of treasure hunting as I've lost my jar of dried yeast and I want to make some Devonshire splits (Don't ask how I could lose a large mason jar of dried yeast it's obviously a skill I have..honed by practise...)

  13. These look really good - I can almost smell them! Definitely a recipe for the Christmas holidays.

  14. You've inspired me so much with Gladys Taber that I ordered her cookbook from Amazon. I'm sure I'll love it! I'm also re-reading Country Chronicle and The Book of Stillmeadow - and really enjoying them!

  15. Mim, it is those high temps that allow the fish to live all year out there, I think! I wanted to use up the cranberries from last year before the new ones come into the stores. One of my fave fruits.

    Kay, they are great! All gone now and we don't even have kids in the house.:<)

    Carole and Pamela, it is a wasp nest taken at an off-angle by Michael, my son, the other day. I just love the way it looks - all those lines and then the nest.

    Karin, I like a quick bread with leek and potato soup. I think probably Mass. is 3 zones warmer than us. :<(

    Staci, you could probably make these that late, eat them, and still get to bed fairly early. :<)

    Rachel, did you find any?? Are they grown over there, or are they imported? And if the latter, from where?? Here?

    Oh, Cath, I bet they'd work fine. Or strawberries or blackberries.

    Val, are they grown up there? If not, where do they come from?

    Maureen, holi-day or any-day. :<)

    Island Sparrow, I'm really pleased. I hope you'll post some as you make them. Would you like to join the Friends of Gladys Taber? More info here:

    Dues are now $20, but still worth it.

  16. Hi Nan Cranberries are from the freezer... when I see fresh in the store I buy a bag and freeze them (I'm the only one who likes them sofar) Lots of berries do grow well here though including Highbush cranberries but sofar I haven't tried picking them as they sometimes have very similar baneberries growing among them...
    (Found the yeast jar in the pasta drawer..gosh I'm losing the plot!)

  17. Val, I just wondered if they were from Massachusetts or Wisconsin, or somewhere else in the US. Don't they require specific conditions? I may be way off - I oughtta just go read about them.:<)
    Glad you found your yeast. Heck, yeast and grains do go together.

  18. Nan, these look yummy!! I definitely saved the recipe!

  19. Yum! I just signed up to follow your blog because this recipe looks so easy and delicious!

    Some of your other recipes look really good too. I am going to try that cheesejacks recipe this weekend.

    And then I am going to read some of your book posts, because you keep lists and over on Rose City Reader, I am obsessed with book lists!

  20. Sherri, I'm sure you'll love it!

    Rose City Reader, welcome! I'm kinda fond of lists myself. :<)

  21. Nan, dried cranberries would work well in these!

  22. Thanks, Mary Lois. You know, I've never even seen dried cranberries. I buy a bunch and freeze them for a year's baking. These are my faves:

  23. Nan, I've missed so many of your beautiful posts. This one caught my eye first -- I saved this recipe and it just might become our new Christmas favourite! I love cranberries. :)

  24. I love them, too, Nancy! There are some more cranberry recipes on the sidebar under biscuits, etc. and under bread.


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