Monday, October 20, 2008

Baked French Toast

Occasionally I buy some artisan bread at a co-op, and I needed to use up last week's so instead of "Muffin Monday" I made a baked French toast. An alternative title for the post could be, how sweet it is.

Slice bread into 1-inch thick slices; enough bread to fit in the bottom of a 9 x 13 pan. I put it in the pan to get the right amount, and then remove it.

Grease the pan with cooking spray.
Melt 1/2 cup butter.
Mix in 1/2 cup sugar and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon.
Spread this mixture into the pan.

Beat 3 eggs, add 1 cup milk, and beat together.
Pour into 7 x 11 pan (or whatever you have).
Dip bread slices in the mixture and then place them in the larger pan.

You may refrigerate this overnight, for a few hours, or bake immediately for 25 minutes in a preheated 350ยบ F. oven.

If you can take a little more sweetness, serve with warmed maple syrup.

Not a dish we have very often, but it is a real supper or breakfast treat when we do. Very, very good.


  1. Breakfast for of life's pleasures.

    I gave your wonderful blog a wee shout out on mine today. I do love my visits here.

  2. Nan, your baked French Toast looks so yummy!

  3. Nan, this looks delicious. When my little ones visit I bet they would like this. Beatrix Potter books were purchased for all of my children. Thank you for the comment about my old farm house.

  4. I love French toast and I love eating breakfast food any time of the day. This looks so delish Nan!

    Sorry I have not been around lately. So much is going on here for us and I am online less plus not feeling well the last few weeks.

    Hugs ~


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