Monday, January 24, 2011

Today's pictures/Sunshine Spotlight


  1. Lovely! I did a series of shadows and sunshine a few years ago. I need to get my camera out again!

  2. Nan,

    I liked them all -- wouldn't it be fun to frame them? And then hang them together as a collage of your everyday life. Interesting how sunlight brings these stills to life.


  3. I think the bowls are my favourite!
    At this time of year we have to savour every bit of sunshine, that's for sure. Picked up my PG Wodehouse today at the library, looking forward to starting it :)

    Have a wonderful rest of the week, Nan.

  4. 'Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy...'
    Love all these photos!
    Thank you for sharing!

  5. That sunlight looks so cheerful and inviting, especially from my vantage point of 17 degrees and clouds, clouds, and more clouds. Oh well, a good spell for reading.

  6. What a joy to get these glimpses of your beautiful warm sunny home! I feel as if I've been there for a visit. (I can almost taste your coffee.) Thanks for sharing.

  7. Beautiful! I had breakfast in my living room today, it was rather late because I'd had physio therapy before, and so the sun was already lighting the room up very nicely. It made me want to stay home instead of going to work... but in the afternoon, it started snowing again and hasn't stopped since.

  8. I absolutely love these pictures. So full of truth and warmth...I can almost smell the aroma from the kitchen and feel the pleasure oozing from your selection of books.
    Keep your 'home pictures' coming as you keep your home fires burning.

  9. It would be fun to compare titles, Pamela!

    Les, it really did seem like the sun was picking out certain parts of the house to shine its light on. :<)

    Janell, I like what you said about bringing the stills to life. Just great! And it would be fun to hang pictures like that - good idea!

    Niki, I'm so fond of my colorful bowls but the red one never photographs the true color. :<( Have fun with Mr. W!

    Thank you, Joanne.

    Life on the cutoff, that day the temp never went above 0ยบ F.!!!

    Oh, Sallie, what a nice thing to say!

    Librarian, ah winter!!

  10. Oh, Jill what a lovely, lovely thing to say. Thank you!

  11. What a beautiful series. Sometimes we need to be woken up to the beauty of the ordinary.

  12. Commonweeder, I wish the camera could capture how truly beautiful the sun was. I love photos of 'ordinary' things.

  13. I love how in the sun the ordinary becomes extraordinary.

  14. Colleen, your words are perfect. As always.


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