As Mr. Monk often says, here's the thing. I am embarking on a year long effort with regard to reading and books. I am not going to buy one single book until next December. I'm not going to borrow one book from the library for a year (other than audiobooks). I am going to read strictly and solely from my own library. When I told Tom of my venture he said, "all I know is that when I want to read a book, I've got plenty to choose from." Exactly.
I've done this before with greater and lesser degrees of success, but this is a commitment. I'll continue to take note of books I want to read, but I will not buy or borrow them until a year has passed. There I've said it. Hold me to it!
I'm flirting with this exact same resolution. The problem is, I work in a library! All the brand new books come right under my nose. I can check them out before the public. SUCH POWER.
ReplyDeleteI want to purge my home library this year, up to as much as 50 %. That will free up enough storage space to clear the house of a lot of things we seldom use but still need.
Buying no new books... Yes, I may resolve that, save the books I need for my graduate school studies of course. I have no choice on that.
I'm still on the fence, so I admire you for already making the resolution!
ReplyDeleteI should follow your example - but I'm not sure I'll manage!
P. S.
My mother is sitting in the sofa totally absorbed by "Little Heathens"!
Bluestalking, that would be really, really hard! I have to actually get in a car and drive nine or thirty (depending on which library) miles to go, so it will be easier for me. :<)
ReplyDeleteEm, I'm so pleased your mom likes it!
I have tried this before and it didn't work for me! I hope it works for you. I love books and when my fav author writes a new one I usually can't wait to buy it. Hopefully you have more will power than me-good luck!
ReplyDeleteI am very impressed. I managed to give up buying for Lent last year, I wish I hadn't started again, but then.....I would have missed some lovely reads!!! I will resolve here and now not to buy in January, then see!! Oh me of little will!
Good Luck. You are probably more disciplined then this lady.
ReplyDeleteI say I am going to do the same thing. You are encouraging me.
Good Luck Nan!! I can do the whole year thing without buying a book for myself but not going to the library just hasn't worked for me.This year I decided to sign up a few challenges that will FORCE me to read my own library here at home. I will certainly be keeping up with you as you embark on this quest!
ReplyDeleteGood luck! I pretty much did this in 2008. Not 100% but fairly close. Today we went to the library and I came home with 3-4 books I'd like to read. I haven't borrowed books from the library in ages. Don't know what came over me, but I saw a few titles I've had on my list and I really don't feel compelled to buy them. But I also don't want too much time to pass before reading them. We'll see how I do. I have so many others I want to read!
ReplyDeleteOh my soul. I don't think I could do it! Maybe I could refrain from purchasing, though I doubt it, but no library either??? Yikes. You are a strong woman!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I adore your new header!!
Right! That's it I'm going to follow your example. I'll follow your blog and see who breaks first.
ReplyDeleteNo chance! I'm betting you'll crack before February is out...
ReplyDeleteSo, okay Nan...will you post some sort of secret code word for when you need a fix? You know, just so we'll know we need to send you a little "care package"? Heh Heh
ReplyDeleteI should, but I know I can't .... the very best of luck, Nan, and when it gets tough, share it with us, and we'll try to help you along the way
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year
Good luck with your resolution. I hope you get the books you have all read up.
ReplyDeleteI am sort of the opposite of you in that all the books I have at home are books I have read. I live in a small house so I don't have lots of room so I only keep books I think I will read again. I started that resolution several years ago. I still don't have much room for any more books but, I do find a spot for those that I want to keep.
Oh my that is a big undertaking! not even anything from the library???
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the resolution, Nan. I gave up buying books in Lent this year but I don't think I could keep it up for a whole year. I admire your ambition!
ReplyDeleteWell, that is quite a commitment. I am tempted to make the same one (with a few adjustments). It is really tough to work in a library and not borrow the new books. Or the old books. Or just anything that strikes the fancy as it passes through your hands. I love it though.
ReplyDeleteMy house is groaning under the weight of books though and H. is beginning to look a litle frightened when I cart in yet another bag or box of them. I have been doing fairly well with not buying books, but slipped a little over the holidays. I think my 2009 resolution will be to seriously not buy a single book all year. Except for one already planned outing in January to a book signing.
You've got some good ones in the pictures, Nan!
I did this once for about six months! Well, good for you Nan, I know you can do it. I can't imagine going cold turkey on book buying but I wish you luck and look forward to seeing how this goes for you!
ReplyDeleteYour comments are what I love, love, love about this blogging world. You are all right there! You know how hard it is to not buy books. I can't tell you, though, how many times I've just 'had' to buy some book and two years+ later, I still haven't read it, and maybe even donated it to the library. This will be good for my pocketbook as well as my self-discipline. I've been rearranging shelves and discarding books since Christmas day, and I've gotten so excited about my own books. I'm laughing at myself, here. :<) Thanks to each of you for writing. I'll come back and read these comments again over the coming year!
ReplyDeleteGood luck, Nan! I've tried to do this before and have failed miserably, but I think you can do it once you've set your mind to it. If you feel the urge to go on a book buying spree, just write about it and we'll be here to encourage you to stick to your resolution!
ReplyDeleteBut Nan, your library's circulation will go down! (Sorry, the librarian in me just couldn't resist).
ReplyDeleteI'm catching up reading posts as I went away for Christmas. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read this! I admire your resolve not to buy books for a year - that is something I really should do as well as I have many unread books of my own, but I'm sorry even if I lived a long way from a library I cannot imagine I could keep away for a whole year!!! Part of the joy of library borrowing for me is visiting the library and browsing.
ReplyDeleteI wish you all the luck in the world. I am resolved next year to spend a little less time reading and more time in the garden as I've neglected it far too much this year. I'll also join you in your resolve about not buying books but only in January and February next year.
I made this decision two years ago already and I still haven't worked my way through all my existing books! The only books I've bought since then have been as presents. (And I've received a few too.) Also I decided that once I am allowed to buy new ones, they will be second-hand.
ReplyDeleteAnd I thank you for the latest comments. I have gotten even a greater resolve since I posted, as I've organized a bit. Say the Persephone books for example. I just 'had' to buy them; all the way from England, and have I read them yet? No. And I have only two. It's situations like this that really make me determined. I've never been one who must read the latest books (the Guernsey book was quite an exception) so I'm encouraged that I can continue reading about books without having to own them. Evaberry, you are a great role model, and I don't know how many years it would take me to get through. Margaret, I'm just the opposite- I want to spend more time reading. I'm working on becoming better organized with my computer time to make this happen. I'll be looking forward to your garden posts. You could rename yourself booksandflowersplease. :<) The library will do just fine without me. Honestly, I've bought more than borrowed in the past years. And I have gotten discouraged in terms of the library because I bring home books and never get them read.
ReplyDeleteI don't read nearly as much sice I've started into the whole audio book thing.-Good luck on your new resolution and Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteLarry, I love audiobooks, too, and read a lot more books that way than in the print version.