Jack Johnson/On and On/2003
When I'm feeling rattled, or the world seems a little noisy or worrisome, I put one of my Jack Johnson cds on the player, and I feel the tension going away. His voice and music are like a mantra; listening to him is like a meditation. He calms me down. His words aren't all cheery, but there is an optimism, a sense of hope and peace that his music promotes.
As I take down Christmas decorations on the last day of 2006, this cd is the perfect musical companion.
The song playing is the first track on the cd.
"in times like these
in times like those
what will be will be
and so it goes"
"and there's always been laughing, crying, birth, and dying
boys and girls with hearts that take and give and break
and heal and grow and recreate and raise and nurture"
The world is a better place because we have Jack Johnson's music.
I've never heard of Jack Johnson. Just went over to iTunes and bought this song. Thanks, Nan!