Tom here: Something to brighten your day if you live where it's cold. We're already done with winter! Not astronomical winter, which runs from the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year--around December 21st) to the vernal equinox in March (an equal amount of daylight and darkness--around March 21st). Instead, if you pay attention to meteorological winter (which runs from December 5th to March 5th) we are almost a week into spring. Meteorological winter is simply the 3 coldest months of the year on average.
Yay! It seems (touch wood) to be over here too - we're just getting lots of rain. And it was 18 degrees Celcius on Friday - people were sitting outside on patios!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, great photo at the head of your blog.
Wow! 18ºC is over 60ºF. I had to go to my C/F thermometer to check. Warm weather is on its way!--Tom
ReplyDeleteI think we have at least one day of winter left. It's not supposed to get above 10F tomorrow with below zero wind chill. :-(
ReplyDeleteSoon though!! Even here in Minnesota! :-)
Hi Lezlie--Tom here. Yeah, I know. Tomorrow night and Thursday are supposed to be cold here with lots of wind chill. Averages sometimes don't apply to specific cold days!
ReplyDeleteI plan to hold you to it, Tom!!
ReplyDeleteYep, by the looks of all that mud I would say your winter is over too. Better keep your wellies at hand.
ReplyDeleteWell, if you asked me on Sunday I would have agreed with you about winter being over as it was in the mid 50's and sunny. Then again, if you asked me yesterday during the snowstorm (7 inces) I would have disagreed. Then again, if you asked me today when it was nearly 50 and all the snow was melting off the trees like giant rain drops, I would have agreed with you...then again we are expecting rain and sleet tomorrow...
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comments. I realize I'm sort of whistling in the wind and hoping for the best. March is a tough month up here, back and forth. And April can be even crazier.--Tom
ReplyDeleteI sure do hope you're right! It definitely looks a lot more like spring here in Nova Scotia...though there's a bit of snow on the way tomorrow. Nothing serious. :)
ReplyDeleteYAY!! It has been Spring time and sometimes summer here in Charlotte the last few days! Yesterday it hit 84!! Glad you are finally thawing out.
ReplyDeleteHurray!!!! :)
ReplyDeleteWe had 78 on Thursday and were back down to 18 or so today (with freezing rain and snow). I'm ready for some more of that warm weather, Tom. I won't dig out my Birks for another month or so, though. :)
I guess I don't have to worry about winter all that much in Hawaii but my mom was shivering today because the temperature went below 70! Sheesh!
ReplyDeleteAh yes, Mud Season! :-)
ReplyDeleteI live in PEI - and that is good news!!!!!! Thanks :)
ReplyDeleteI so appreciate all of you taking the time to comment. Tomorrow it's predicted that we will have 23º for a high with a 19 mph wind.--Tom
ReplyDeletegood news as I am starting to seriously jones for some green leaves and flowers and all that good stuff.
ReplyDeleteSusan: Nan, here not Tom - isn't that so true. I do see some brown grass outside, and to me it is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHey Tom - I was feeling pretty good about your post this morning when I read it. Then just as I was getting up, my wife announced that it was going into the 20's tonight. Drat! Where is that warm weather! Spring hopes eternal!
ReplyDelete- J.
Hi Jeff--I know the feeling well. 16º here this morning with wind in the 20+ mph range. In fact, it seems that since I've posted we've been sent back to winter in good shape. Thanks for commenting.--Tom
ReplyDeleteOver here in the UK I'm thinking spring - maybe the past few years have lulled us into thinking that our winters have become warmer but this year we've had a proper one - OK not snow like you get across the pond - but hopefully cold enough to kill off some of the garden bugs.
ReplyDeleteBut now we have primroses and daffodils and the buds are swelling on the trees - birds are singing too. Magic.
Hey mountainear--OMG daffodils! They are a couple of months off for us. You're right to hope that winter might kill off some of the garden pests. It makes us feel better during the frigid nights that at least it's controlling the bugs. Except for black flies!--Tom