Thursday, January 30, 2020

January Books

I had a good reading month, though I still mean to read more of my print books. I've begun my reading from the 1920s.

January - 6

1. Mrs Caldicot's Cabbage War - book one in the Mrs Caldicot series
by Vernon Coleman
fiction 1993
finished 1/2/20

As I read a line in this book, I had a flash of seeing a television production of it. I looked it up, and it starred Pauline Collins and John Alderton. I don't remember much about it, but from what I read, the film was changed some from the book. The story is about a very passive, very sheltered woman whose overbearing husband suddenly dies. Her son feels that she should go into a retirement home. She is my age (gulp!). The book is all about how the residents become empowered about their living conditions, and their lives. It is quite inspiring, with a happy ending, though there is sadness for the reader seeing how this place is run. And that there is such little regard for the inhabitants until Mrs C shows up.

2. The American Agent - book fifteen in the Maisie Dobbs series
by Jacqueline Winspear
mystery 2019
library book
finished 1/8/20

Gosh, a lot of time has passed since we readers first met her in 2003. I so enjoy these books and the characters. One of the very great pleasures of my reading life.

3. The Nine of Us
 Growing Up Kennedy
by Jean Kennedy Smith
nonfiction 2016
finished 1/8/20

Jean Kennedy Smith is the last surviving child of Joseph and Rose Kennedy. She has written a really lovely telling of her life. Even if you've read everything about the Kennedys, she offers a new perspective. I loved this book, and am so happy she wrote it.

4. Mavis of Green Hill
by Faith Baldwin
fiction 1921
finished 1/13/20

My first book of the 1920s, and such a joy it was. This wasn't about flappers and gin, but about a young woman who was bedridden from a train accident a dozen years before. She begins a correspondence with a young poet, and rather falls in love with him through his poems. She is a romantic soul who doesn't have a lot to amuse her in the life she leads. A new doctor comes into her life who suggests new treatments, and suddenly her whole life changes. One of the treats of the book is seeing Cuba in those days.

5. Brooklyn Legacies - book five in the Erica Donato series
by Triss Stein
mystery 2019
finished 1/16/20

I do so enjoy this series. The reader learns something new about Brooklyn in each book. This one focused on the tensions of development between the Jehovah's Witness church and an historical home. The only negative for me is that I got annoyed at the main character's little criticisms of older times, while she is an historian!

6. The Cask
by Freeman Wills Crofts
mystery 1920
finished 1/30/20

I've never read anything quite like this 100-year-old book. It is the ultimate police procedural, with the emphasis on procedure. It was almost like reading a police report, and then later a lawyer's report.

These policemen are mostly all men, except for a short time when three women do some work. They don't have families or girlfriends. They have friends, and they eat out, and they go to the movies, but there is no romance. They are totally devoted to their work. This work is slow and methodical.

I actually had to look up the word cask.  It is a large, barrel-like container used for storing liquids. In this book casks also held statues, and a dead woman's body.

The people investigating went back and forth from England to France to Belgium, trying to find out who killed her. The phrase about not leaving a stone unturned absolutely applies to these men. A fascinating book with a thrilling ending.

I have mentioned before, I think, that I subscribe to a publication called Give Me That  Old-Time Detection put together three times a year by a man named Arthur Vidro. The autumn edition featured Mr. Crofts. The 1996 review ofThe Cask was written by Charles Shibuk in the British publication CADS. I am going to quote some of the review.
Crofts suffered a major breakdown of his health in 1919 and, while seeking something to distract him from a slow and tedious period of convalescence, decided to try his hand at writing a detective novel.
The Cask (1920) secured rave reviews, and was translated into many languages, and had sold the not inconsiderable total of 200,000 copied by 1940. 
With the exception of E.C. Bentley's Trent's Last Case (1913), The Cask is probably the best first detective novel in the history of the form, and with Agatha Christie's The Mysterious Affair at Styles (1920), it heralded the advent of the detective story's great Golden Age. Critic Anthony Boucher, reviewing a 1967 reissue of The Cask, remarked: "Probably the most completely competent first novel in the history of crime, it is the definitive novel of alibis, timetables - and all the absorbing hairsplitting of detection..."
Ellery Queen, who considered it one of the ten most important detective novels, described it as the first great modern police novel.
The Cask is available on the Kindle, in paperback, and in hardcover. Not bad for a century-old book! Well worth all the praise. I was completely immersed and fascinated.


  1. You have been very busy reading. I will have to look some of these books up they sound interesting.

  2. All of these sound good! Thanks for some interesting titles to look for. :)

  3. Going straightaway to look up The Nine of Us, Growing up Kennedy. I've read a bit about them, Deborah Mitford was related via Kick Kennedy of course and the book I read about her, plus Deborah Mitford's books, give you a good sense of the family. Would love to read more. I have Jack by Geoffrey Perrett but will see if I can see your book on Amazon.

    Freeman Wills Crofts is probably my favourite of the newly rediscovered vintage crime writers (though E.C Lorac is excellent too and John Bude). The Hog's Back Mystery, Antidote to Venom, The 12.30 From Croydon, all very good and I have The Sea Mystery on my tbr shelf.

    I read 6 books in January too. *Smiles*

    1. I have read a couple others of FWC's and loved them. I do love those old mysteries.
      I keep thinking about the Kick book. It was so wonderful. Jean Smith gives the same impression of her - a really dynamic personality.
      Am tickled we both read the same again!

    2. I've ordered a copy of The Nine of Us, very pleased so thanks for the recommendation, Nan. I'm always intrigued reading about how the young Kennedys took London by storm when they arrived in the 1930s. They must have been hugely charismatic... everyone seems to have loved Kick. So sad that she lost her husband so quickly and then died like that at only 28.

    3. It is hugely sad. So many things in that family are heartbreaking. Just think - she would have been the Duchess of Devonshire. I just came upon this, and thought you'd be interested.

  4. Looks like you read some good ones, Nan. I'm so happy that you're still enjoying that Brooklyn series. I read the first book and then didn't continue - not because I didn't like it, but other books just crept in. I need to try to get back to it. Enjoy your February reading!

    1. That saying "so many books, so little time" is very, very true.

  5. What a great reading month you had, Nan. I love the way you are dipping into various decades for reading material. There's just so much out there that it overwhelms me sometimes, particularly when I consider the number of new books being published every week of the year. Sometimes it's kind of soothing to dip back into the past for a breather rather than reading frantically in some mislead attempt to keep up with all the new stuff.

    By the way, I had to think for a second when you mentioned that the 1920 mystery was 100 years old. That just doesn't seem possible, somehow. I'm reading Three Soldiers by John Dos Passos right now, and I'm reading from a 1932 edition. I find it somewhat amusing to think that I'm carrying around an 87-year-old book. Funny thing, is that not a single person has asked me about it even though it is obviously a very old book.

    1. At the end of a year's reading, I'm often surprised by how many new books I've read. I think of myself as just reading older books, but, that said, the new ones I read are not often the well-known ones.
      I thought I had read some Dos Passos in college, but when I went to the wikipedia page and read the titles, I don't think I have read anything by him.
      Do people often ask you about books you are reading? Many of my old ones are on the Kindle - as much as I like paper books, the Kindle offers so very many titles for a good price.

  6. An interesting collection! I still have three reviews to write, and "Cask" reminds me a bit of one of my January reads, also a work of crime fiction from roughly the same era.
    By the way, if you have ever been to an English or Irish pub, you will be familiar with the term cask - cask ales are usually on the drinks menue :-)

    1. I haven't been to any pubs! That is fascinating news to me. Thanks for letting me know.

  7. What interesting books! Are you reading from a particular decade every month? Did I miss an announcement of a challenge??!

    1. Not a challenge - I just wanted to read some books set in the 1920s or about that decade now that we are in 2020.

  8. This year I'm going to try to read all eight in the "Ben the Tramp" (hobo) series by J Jefferson Farjeon. These are all early detective books too .... the first, Number 17, Farjeon wrote as a successful stage play, and then rewrote as a novel, first published in 1926. And if I don't get through the 8, well, there's always 2021!! Loved today's header pic, too..... deer prints.

    1. What a fun reading project! I've read only one by him, and liked it very much - I wrote about it here

  9. It is always fun to see what you have read and your opinions about them. I can always find something to read here. Have a great February Read, cheers.

    1. I'm pleased you like these posts. I really, really hope to do more this year!

  10. Such a fascinating post. Reading is one of my favorite activities. I already have The Cask and Mavis of Green Hill on my Kindle. My library has the Kennedy book as an ebook, but it doesn't seem to be for Kindle. I'll have to call them later and ask about that.

    1. The Kennedy book is well worth buying. There are lots of pictures, and it is just plain wonderful!
      I'm quite amazed that you have those two books - I'm always so happy when I know someone who is interested in any of the books I like. Most people read the new ones which I often know nothing about.

  11. All of these books sound good. I plan to read The Cask soonish. I haven't read anything by Crofts, but I have a copy of that one and The Hog's Back Mystery that Cath mentioned.

    1. As I wrote above, I am always so amazed that anyone reads or as ever heard of some of the books I read. I really liked the three Crofts' books I've read so far.

  12. We have a summer cottage at Lake Chautauqua which was built in 1879. For years I collected books that I thought would have been read in those early years. We also had amazing book stores there. One, in the '80s. sold books 12 for a dollar! Another specialized in old books. But actually, I've always loved older fiction.

    1. Have you ever posted pictures of the cottage? Do you still have the books?
      I loved reading this!

  13. You can see a photo of the cottage at
    I still have many books there but far fewer than I once had! My daughters have helped me pare it down and, as Emily says, bless other people with my stuff. But in Ohio I also have far too many books. The Kindle is a blessing to me because I don't have to find shelf space for all the books there.

    1. I'm definitely not one of those older people who are paring down. I seem to keep acquiring! I agree about the Kindle, but for another reason - I can find these lovely old books there for peanuts.
      Now I'll go look at the cottage. I have a feeling I remember that post title.

  14. More new authors and books/series for me, Nan. Thanks for writing about them.

  15. As so often happens when I visit you, I left for awhile to visit the E-library, wish list a few books and then to Amazon to spend 99 whole cents on “The Cask” which the library didn’t own. Thanks always for all the great reviews and suggestions.

  16. January was a month for re-reading favorites. I read through the Maisie Dobbs series again. I was given the first one during a long Wyoming winter when I was transcribing the WWI letters of my great uncle, who died in the Second Battle of the Marne.
    It is interesting that Jacqueline Winspear includes the bits of her family's history that sparked ideas for each book.

    1. You read them all in January?!
      I'd like to know more about the transcribing of the letters. What an enterprise!

  17. I think it is wonderful that you are reading 1920s books along with others now. Nothing gives a better look into the time and place than a book written in that period. I started over with all my Frances Parkinson Keyes books in January, reading them in order. I love them but I still find myself having to read a more contemporary book in between them, just to refresh my palate so to speak. I want to read the Kennedy book!

    1. I love that you are doing that! Just now I am reading one published in 1906, the year my father was born! I'm quite sure you will enjoy the Kennedy book.


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