Friday, April 1, 2011

Mrs Bale says...

... that Mother Nature plays the best April Fools' joke!


  1. yes...and mother nature is not always very nice either. She is not on my list of favorite people this morning.

  2. Oh dear . . . I think its headed our way this evening :(

    But then turning to rain. Hope you get the rain too!

  3. Sometimes all ya can do is laugh with Mother Nature. It is April after all. The warmth and colors of Spring will emerge. And the Season will be sweet.

  4. As I look out my window, it's snowing like crazy. I could swear I hear Mother Nature calling "April Fool" and laughing her head off.

  5. So far, nobody has played an April Fool's trick on me today - but of course the day is not over yet! :-)
    As for the weather, we're in for a summery day tomorrow with temperatures reaching around 75F - I can't wait, and will take my new-old bike out for its first ride in 1 1/2 years!

  6. NO WAY!!!!!
    How can that happen when we should be enjoying spring blossoms!
    That's it! I moving to least via my blog:)
    Happy April Nan!

  7. It's a cool, grey day here in England - but no snow!
    Hope you're in for a quick thaw.

  8. As Monica on Friends used to say, hip chick, I KNOW!

    Kathie, oh dear is right. They're saying 6-10 inches here.

    Tracey, ah yes in good time. :<)

    Barbara, Mrs Bale isn't amused. :<)

    Librarian, gosh I haven't ridden in years. I must remedy that. 75. I can't believe it. We are forty, count 'em!, forty degrees lower. :<(

    Joanne, 'oh to be in England when April's there' More of the poem here:

  9. Pam, still snowing. 31ยบ F. no thaw in sight. :<(
    Mrs Bale is glad she lives over there!

  10. Seriously Nan?? OK, it's 89 outside and the A/C is running merrily.

    You know you could come down and take in the heat. Before it getts to be the BIG HEAT. LOL

  11. Kay, to me 89 is a BIG BIG heat. I wilt once the temps hit 80. ;<)

  12. I'm with Mrs Bale. In our part of Pennsylvania, we're still waiting for the forsythias.

  13. I heard Maine got slammed with this storm-not so funny if you ask me Mother Nature!

  14. Anonymous in Penn. - we are a long while away from forsythia!

    Sherri, not just Maine, but all New England!

  15. OH NO! We got about an inch but it was pretty much gone by 3pm....whew....

  16. Mrs Bale, you are usually right and this time you are right on.

  17. So pretty, and so ephemeral! And that is soooo a good thing.

  18. Diane, we got about five and it hasn't melted yet. :<(

    Lisa, so, so funny!

    Denise, yes!

    Clair, not quite ephemeral enough. ;<)

  19. It looks so pretty, but it was a cruel April Fool's Day trick (or maybe a gentle reminder that we're not in charge!)

  20. Karin, sure is different from where you are now!

    Dawn, that's for sure!

  21. Mrs Bale rules! Sorry she was right this time though. Your snow won't last long this time of year though will it?

    (PBS Saturday had the episode of TGB where Jean and Lionel go to his father's house for the first time -- and Mrs B is introduced.)

  22. The snow has melted a lot with the rain we've been having. the blog header photo is what it looks like around here these days. :<) And I LOVE that episode. I'm always happy when they go to the country and I can see Mrs B!


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