Monday, November 12, 2012

Muffin Monday/Fluffy Muffins

Today's recipe comes from one of my favorite cookbooks. There is another recipe from this delightful little book here.

Tonight's muffins are called

Fluffy Muffins

Cream together:
1/4 cup soft butter
1/3 cup sugar
1 beaten egg

Sift together:
2 cups flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt

Add dry mix to creamed mixture.
Add 3/4 cup milk and 1/4 cup sour cream or heavy sweet cream. (I used sour cream)
Spoon into greased muffin tins.
Bake in preheated 400ยบ F. oven until brown. (took about 15 minutes)

These are very quick and easy to make, and absolutely yummy. We had them for supper with Gladys Taber's Leek Soup.


  1. These look so good! I have two Gladys Taber cookbooks so I'm going to see if the soup is in them. I read that leeks are at their best November through July so I haven't bought any lately. Wonder if that's true anymore?

    1. If you click on the words GT's Leek Soup in the post, it will bring you to the recipe on the blog.
      Around here we have local leeks available in the summer and fall and they are great.

    2. Thank you, I'll go to the link now. I did find recipes for leek soup in both her Stillmeadow Cook Book and My Own Cook Book, so I'll see which one your recipe covers. I enjoyed the Robert Frost poem today and your photograph.

    3. It is so delicious. Tom and I love leek and potato soup.
      I'm pleased you liked the poem. That snow has all melted now. :<((

  2. Mmmmm... This looks absolutely scrumptious!

  3. Now those look awesome and easy enough for me as well:)

  4. I love that cookbook! My grandma bought it for me because I love to bake and I adore Tasha Tudor. I enjoy just looking at this cookbook and it always reminds me of my grandma.

    1. Isn't it just great! That's wonderful she gave it to you.

  5. The cookbook looks so lovely especially with the Tasha Tudor illustrations. I have it ear-marked for inter-library loan. I checked out the other link too - yummy blueberry pancakes in your Sunday Supper series. I loved that series of log entry - I read every one!

    1. I love this little book, and am sure that you will, too.
      I have thought of bringing it back, just as I have the Muffin Monday. I like that sort of supper so much.

  6. I own this book, Nan, having come to it first in my admiration of everything Tasha Tudor. I love the word "buttr'y" and see from your other post on this cookbook that you had one. It is this kind of place I would always want to be in. Until I was about 5, we had a large pantry with a high ceiling. I remember the smells and feel and playing in it. Ah well, I'm a bit under the weather today and think I'll spend part of it with "The Buttr'y Shelf Cookbook". You likely know there is also "The Buttr'y Shelf Almanac".

    I enjoyed read the Frost poem.

    1. I looked into the Almanac and it is very expensive. I hadn't heard of it.
      You might like this book:

      It is really wonderful, and one of the pictures might remind you of your childhood pantry.

    2. I was lucky enough to discover it in a charity type bin many years ago. They are quite pricey now. I'll check out the link, Nan. Thanks.

    3. Me, again. Just had to come back and tell you I made these tonight, to rave reviews!

    4. Lucky you!
      And I'm so happy they were good!

  7. I'll be trying the fluffy muffins soon. I'm thinking of substituting yogurt for the sour cream. I've done this with other recipes and have had very good success.

    On another subject...Love those pictures!

    1. I'm sure yogurt will be fine. I had sour cream in the fridge just calling to me. :<)

    2. I love Gladys Taber's Leek Soup! Would have loved to been a guest at your table that night!


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