Saturday, January 12, 2019

Refrigerator Rolls

I first mentioned this cookbook eight years ago, here. My friend Les gave me the book and I so love it.

On Wednesday I made some soup.

Soak over night in crockpot:

T. each:
cannellini beans
brown rice
moong dal (In India, "dal" is the word for lentils, and "moong dal" is the general term for mung lentils, also known as split yellow mung beans.)
black lentils
and einkorn (info here)
Next day, cook on high until all are soft. Then I added 1 cup of homemade tomato sauce. Delicious, and enough for supper and lunch for two people.

I wanted something to go with it, and decided on rolls. I haven't made rolls that often, and usually when I do it is my regular bread recipe with one of the loaves being rolls. So I went looking around, and came up with this one that didn't sound too hard for a sort of roll novice. 

I'm going to put up pictures of the recipe. You may click to make them bigger. 

You'll see that I made them with "my girls". Hazel had a snow day and they walked up and both helped with the rolls.

And then when they left, Hazel waved to the deer who were eating from our buffet of sunflower seeds.

You may be wondering what those delicious rolls looked like.

Can't you almost taste them?! PS I didn't cover with plastic wrap. I used a damp towel. And I used two 9x13 pans, greased with cooking spray, with 8 rolls per pan. This worked perfectly. Strong bread flour described here.

You may visit Beth Fish Reads for more food related posts.

Addendum: Sunday evening, the 13th I made the rolls with half whole wheat and half strong white bread flour and they were great. We both preferred them to the plain white. Made hummus and spread it on the rolls. Delicious!


  1. Your rolls look very delicious -- perfect to go with soup!

    best... mae at

  2. They sound and look delicious. What fun to be able to make bread with your girls.

    1. Thank you! If you try them, let me know what you think! And yes, it sure was!

  3. Yum! I’ll have to try this recipe. They would go really well with my homemade minestrone soup!

  4. I haven't made rolls in a long time ... now I have a craving. And what a fun, fun project to do on a snow day with your girls.

    1. I think your Weekend Cooking does this to a lot of us!!!

  5. They are! And I love the old names.

  6. It all sounds perfectly delicious and delightful - what better to eat on a snow day than a bowl of hot, filling soup and home-made rolls?
    The picture with Margaret, with the snowy landscape seen through your kitchen window, is so cosy!

    By the way, the font size changes twice within your post. I first thought you had made the size smaller deliberately, to denote how the soup ingredients went from "much" to "less". But then I noted that you had written "T. each", and although I can only guess that "T." stands for tin, I assume you mean the same amount of each ingredient.

    1. Yes, and that's because I copied and pasted the info on moong dal, and then the font stayed the same for a while.
      T = Tablespoon.

  7. I had never heard of einkorn though we use spelt flour a lot, another older grain. The meal sounds perfect for the cold weather we've been having. And how fun it is to cook with grandchildren and children.

    1. I think some people who eat gluten free are okay with einkorn, though I'm not positive. I love the old grains.

  8. Those rolls look delicious! I love the photos of "the girls" who came to help you bake. :) So happy to know that you are still enjoying that cookbook. xoxo

    1. They were! Yes, the cookbook is a perfect one. I have a post-it note inside with the pages of recipes I want to make.

  9. I remember Marion Cunningham from my James Beard books, I'm sure her cookbook must be wonderful. And I can almost taste those rolls! My mother made homemade rolls every other weekend when I was growing up, rolls to go with roast beef for Sunday dinner after church and biscuits to go with fried chicken on the other Sundays. I don't know how she did it but we were ready to eat within an hour after we got home. I used to make mashed potato rolls a lot but it's been 10 years since I last did, I bet.

    I'm so curious about the Einkorn flour as blog friend Parisienne Farmgirl bakes with it all the time. I'll go read about it!

    I can just see little Hazel growing up to be the best cook!

    1. I am quite sure you would love this book. I hope you make the rolls so you CAN taste them! Do you have the recipe for mashed potato rolls? They sound like just what I would love! I think Miss H will indeed be a great cook! Thank you.


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