Thursday, March 13, 2025


I know it has been ages since I have posted here or written on anyone's else blog. I have been sick for weeks and weeks. Appparently it is an awful flu, and I can attest to that. Even when you are better, you are not necesarily well yet. I am in that place now. Mostly/somewhat better, but not as well as I hope to be.  Exhausting! 

Anyhow, I hope my blogging friends are doing well, and I will check in again when I am better. 

Monday, January 20, 2025

2025 books

 This is just a collecting post


1. Forever Young  A Memoir 
by Hayley Mills
nonfiction 2021

2. Dangerous in Love - book 2 in the Dangerous Davies series
by Leslie Thomas
mystery 1987

3. Messy Roots
A Graphic Memoir of a Wuhanese American
by Laura Gao
nonfiction 2022

Saturday, January 11, 2025

First book of the year - quick review

I finished my first book of 2025 today.

And how I loved it! I was a big fan of Hayley Mills when I was a kid, as were most people my age. 

As she wrote about the movies she has been in, I realized that I may have seen only Pollyanna and The Parent Trap. I am going to try and get ahold of some of the more serious ones like Tiger Bay and Whistle Down the Wind, as well as some of the ones she did when she was older. 

She is a very good writer. Highly recommended.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

On this Christmas Eve

 I wish all my dear blogging friends a wonderful Christmastime. I am actually doing something I've done only once as an adult. I am keeping the tree until January 6. It just somehow feels right. I also plan to read one of my favorite books on that day, Little Christmas by Agnes Sligh Turnbull.

Every Christmas, Margaret, Matthew, and Hazel give us our Christmas tree from a local grower. This year newly11-year-old Hazel chose it. It is the fullest and most beautiful one we've ever had. 

Monday, October 28, 2024



Last evening we got some snow!!! I have a friend whose birthday is the 18th and quite often the snow comes on that day, so we are ten days later. It has been a warm autumn and some bushes still have their leaves. The sun came out and melted most of it away, but I am just happy to see it. I am a cold weather girl.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

When You Were Big and I Was Small - Katie Theasby

The other evening I watched the wonderful The Job of Songs on Prime - Irish musicians in Doolin. One of them is the woman singing this, Katie Theasby. I've listened to it a half dozen times, and I cry every time. Wonderful song. She refers to Grapefruit Moon, the Tom Waits song, and Come On Eileen, by Dexy's Midnight Runners.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

A goodbye to Kris Kristofferson - The Highwaymen - The Pilgrim: Chapter 33 (American Outlaws: Live at Nass...

I spent a wonderful time at youtube finding just the right song to honor the late Kris Kristofferson. I thought this one from The Highwayman would be good because those men are just so happy to be singing and playing together. Kris was a very big part of my life. Tom and I loved him from the first. I was lucky enough to see him three times, I think. One show Tom missed because he had his appendix out! I was in the front row in a lovely Boston small venue.