Monday, October 28, 2024



Last evening we got some snow!!! I have a friend whose birthday is the 18th and quite often the snow comes on that day, so we are ten days later. It has been a warm autumn and some bushes still have their leaves. The sun came out and melted most of it away, but I am just happy to see it. I am a cold weather girl.


  1. We've usually have some flurries by now in Michigan. This week it's in the high 70's and sunny.

  2. My twin sisters were also born on October 18th and their birthday marked the beginning of "snow season" for us, too. There is no sign of snow in central NY yet this year... it's 75 degrees there today!

    1. As someone once said to me, "weird with a beard"

  3. Wow, so exciting! I can't imagine snow coming this early here in middle Tennessee but I did go into labor with our first child on a record setting snow here in Nashville many years ago. It was so pretty with all the autumn colors still on the trees and bushes.

  4. I don’t envy you — I’m so glad that we’re having a mild fall.
    Yes, snow is beautiful, but I still prefer the mild weather as my old house is big and hard to heat.

    1. Wonderful to hear from you, my dear old blogging friend.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Lovely photo and I like the new blog header as well! I have not been visiting much as we have been traveling. First to Nebraska to see our son and then a trip to memphis area to look for a house. But i have been looking in on you!

    1. You are going to move!!! Have I missed posts about this.

    2. It's been fairly recent. We have traveled quite a bit recently and want to be closer to our son who lives in Nebraska. As they are not tax friendly, and maybe too cold for us :-) - we are looking at Tennessee. I gre up in Pennsylvania and Michigan and have Never gotten used to the Florida heat so I am happy about this!

  7. I have never lived where there was frequent snow in the winter. In Alabama, before I left at 23, we had some brief snows but never over a foot and they were a big occasion because they were so unusual. After I left the weather got colder with more bad weather and snow some winters.

    So snow at this time of year always surprises me when I hear about it. I am glad you are enjoying it.

  8. It looks so pretty outside your window. Maine looks so beautiful, I really would like to see it one day.

  9. I'm glad you got some snow! We're enjoying fall colors as we travel home from our trip down to Northern CA to visit my aunt.

  10. Love the photos, as always. What a contrast those two are. Still in the mid-eighties down here, so looks like winter will arrive before fall.

    1. I miss your posts. I hope you are doing okay, Sam.

  11. I like snow so long as I don’t have to shovel it or have it ruin some long anticipated plan! But I hate when my house is freezing cold, which is often.

    1. I am sorry to hear that. What kind of heat do you have?

  12. Awwww....what a cute photo for your blog header!


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