Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Last week's flowers, and a surprise visitor

 I've meant to post these pictures for nearly a week! The tulips are the most beautiful I've ever seen. I told the woman who grows them that the first week's were elegant, and the second week's were like a party! Such colors, and all mixed together. You'll also see a couple of poppies. I so love them even if they are often gone in a day or two.

I usually keep them in a big vase for a day or two and then break down the bouquet into little containers.

And the surprise visitor ...

After his snack of sunflower seeds, he headed over to the suet feeders and pulled them right off the poles and carried them off. 


  1. Beautiful colors, Nan. As usual, my compliments to the photographer.

    I'm in awe of your visitor who seems to treat you guys as his own personal fast food outlet - although a lot healthier outlet than most fast food shops, for sure. I'm not sure I'd know how to deal with that one. We used to get the occasional alligator visitor in the aftermath of a flood or hurricane when I was a kid growing up on the Gulf Coast, but nothing that could outrun me quite as easily as this guy. Fascinating to see how casually he seems to be taking it all in.

    1. He knows that we love him. haha I've always thought that animals know we are vegetarians, and that we love them. Alligators are a whole other matter. I really do not like them. I am scared to death of them!

  2. Oh my goodness! I love to see bears when we're camping, but I don't know if I'd like them around my house! I know you're used to them, and take care to be safe, so I won't worry about you. :) Lovely flowers. I love the poppies. We have a bouquet of gorgeous peonies right now and they make me so happy.

    1. Flowers make me happy. They really do. You are right. I am not afraid of them. It was only the window in the study between us. He didn't concern himself a bit. Peonies are just popping up here.

  3. I love your visitor. I admit I would be scared if he were in my yard... but still, those pictures of the bear are just great. And the flowers, too, of course. And the flowers look just as good when put in little vases.

  4. Love the flowers and the bear. With the heat we having only bougainvillea thriving.

  5. I love tulips (which I can't grow, wrong soil) and those are beautiful.

    I would prefer not to have that visitor! Foxes, deer and rabbits are the wildest animals I see in my garden.

  6. It's a wonder he/she didn't take the feeders with him/her.

  7. A bear! Oh my goodness, I would have let out such a yelp!! Goldilocks has nothing on me!

  8. Ah....well, that beats our occasional 'visitors'. No bears here. However, we have had lots of deer (and their new fawns), a fox, raccoons, and maybe a badger? Hard to see as most are not daylight visitors. The cameras do pick up these nocturnal ones, but often it's just cats. The flowers are lovely indeed.

  9. Those are lovely flowers and they brighten everything up. I love them. Quite a visitor you had there, my goodness!
    It's Tina from Florida :-)

  10. I love tulips and plant red ones nearly every year (often with a moth ball which I read somewhere would scare off the rabbits, although am not sure it does). Exciting to have a bear visit and I am glad it happened when you were inside and could (I guess?) enjoy it. On Friday, I had a deer in my back yard which is unusual because I live in Boston, albeit on the outskirts. I was at work but my neighbor must have been outside and took a picture when it leaped from my yard to hers.

  11. I really like the pictures of your "neighbor' visiting for a mid-day snack (and taking the leftovers home after which seems just a little rude of him, but like a good host you didn't say anything!). I love tulips and miss them a lot. Cyndi (daughter) tells me hers are already done blooming back home in Oregon.


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