Saturday, November 25, 2023

The Christmas tree

 Margaret, Matthew, and Hazel brought us our tree yesterday. They have done this for the past few years, and we are so grateful. They get it from a local Christmas tree farm.

Last evening I thought how lovely the tree is, unadorned and waiting for the lights and ornaments. 


  1. I agree re unadorned trees. It's almost tempting to leave them that way. I do love the light on your header pic, Nan!

  2. What a lovely tree, Nan! And how nice that your kiddos bring you and Tom such a wonderful one. Ours was up on Thanksgiving, but undecorated. We did that on Friday morning. Can't do a 'real' tree as I am allergic, so artificial it is. This new house doesn't really have a good spot for a tree, so we ended up getting one that is pretty 'slim', but it fits where it is. Nice to see a post from you. Much love sent your way for all of you!

  3. This is to all three of you. Thank you so much for still checking in when I have written so very little in the past months. It means the world to me that you wrote. Thank you, thank you.

  4. I love the unadorned tree! It's nice to see it in it's natural state before getting ornaments. We have many little goat ornaments to place on our tree but don't have one as of yet.

    Also, love the blog header.

  5. Just beautiful, Nan! We usually have our unadorned tree up for a week or more, sometimes with plain white lights. I enjoy it very much.

  6. Bringing you your tree is such a nice idea and eliminates an expedition that can be stressful! My sister has a Thanksgiving tradition of making ornaments (the college age children rolled their eyes but we had a solid group of four participating) and it will be fun to get down the tree and start decorating. My mother likes to wait until Christmas Eve but I usually start the second weekend of December.

  7. First, kudos to the photographer because that is a really well composed photo, and I love the color contrast. Well done.

    Hard to believe that we are already so close to Christmas. Wouldn't it be nice if Thanksgiving were a couple of months earlier? I enjoy seeing everyone so much that I find it kind of sad that I see some out of town friends only twice a year and that it happens in a 30-day window.

  8. What a beautiful-looking tree! We put ours up on Friday, but no ornaments on at this point. Maybe tomorrow. I love the look of a tree with just lights...

  9. Dear Nan, The tree is indeed beautiful, just as it is. How wonderful that this is a gift for you and your husband from your loved ones! When we were kids, a tornado destroyed all our Christmas ornaments, so for that Christmas we had popcorn garlands and cranberry garlands and old Christmas cards strung up by string. You know it was beautiful.


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