Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Trying something new - a home video

I have seen a little video icon next to the photograph one, and I thought I'd give it a try. I put this on my Facebook page today. This is the side yard, off the kitchen door. I fed the birds and they were just beginning to come to the feeders.


  1. Very nice, Nan, it looks so beautiful and peaceful.

    1. Thanks, Alex. I am so tickled it worked! I'll be posting more!

  2. OMG, look at all that snow! You are about snowed in aren't you?? Love seeing it. We have a scattering of snow. Nothing like this in years. Lucky you. Stay warm...

    1. This is my perfect weather day. Lots of snow, very cold, and sunny.

  3. So pretty! Now you will have to do a video and show us your cooking and baking. You will become a star on Food Network then! :-)

  4. You DO have a lot of snow, and you had a White Christmas! Ours was grey-brown-green and so mild the birds seem to be thinking it is spring.
    I've uploaded a few videos in the past, too; not sure whether you saw them (one is of me eating a cheese scone... my sister made that).

    1. I didn't see them. I just haven't visited blogs as much this year, and I've missed them. Hoping and planning to spend more time 'visiting' in the new year.

  5. Nice! and with "sound" too! Happy New Year when it comes, Nan. x

  6. But your blog is "I'd rather be at the beach!"

  7. What a great video, it's nice to see your place. I love feeding the birds too and feed them every evening. I'm going to need to get a squirrel baffler soon, they steal our seed.

    1. Thank you, Tina. I'm tickled it worked! We used to have red squirrels but not for a few years. I don't know if it was the logging we had done, or just why they aren't around.

  8. I loved watching this, enjoyed very much the beautiful snow outside your kitchen door. Please do more!

    1. Thanks so much, Dewena! This was so easy, I believe I will do more.

  9. Beautiful -- peaceful and serene -- but definitely not my ideal weather day (as you already know).... but I love seeing how you live (and you already know that too). Happy New Year!!!

  10. I loved watching this on Facebook and am glad you shared it here, so it won't disappear. Isn't it fun creating short videos on your phone? I've done quite a few of the ocean since we moved here. I have a fun one to share next week that has absolutely nothing to do with nature. Stay tuned! :)

    By the way, how cold is it there right now? Poor Lincoln is getting hit with very frigid temps. Something like 15 below without the windchill, I think. I sure don't miss that type of weather!

    1. They don't disappear forever because all my pictures and videos go right into iPhotos on the computer. I don't keep anything on my phone. It's nice and cold here. Hovering around 0 at our house but colder in other areas.

  11. This is great, Nan! Loved seeing the video! And so much snow, but I know you love it. OK, you were right. I'm beginning blogging again tomorrow. You know me well. LOL

    Happy New Year!! Much love! And, yes, we are doing well.

  12. Pretty! Looks a lot like it does here!

  13. So pretty! Happy New Year Nan and health and happiness in 2018.

  14. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll add yours to my list so I can keep up with your reading and writing. I scrolled down to other posts and saw your list of favorite reads. None of which have I read. I'll have to look into them and reserve them from the library. Nice to meet a new friend now and again.

    1. It's been a quiet year at the blog. I hope to write more, especially about books, in the new year. Thanks for coming by and taking the time to leave a note.


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