Sunday, June 4, 2017

Back on Facebook

I have been off Facebook since April 2016. I've been completely content and haven't missed it at all. But I rejoined today because of a family situation. A few days ago I read the obituary of my cousin in a newspaper. If I hadn't happened to see it, I would not have known he was dead. I don't have a landline anymore, and I'm not in touch with most of my cousins except via Christmas cards.

The world has changed, and I guess I must change with it. We used to all have telephones with our numbers listed in the phonebook. If someone didn't have access to a regional phonebook, they could dial information and find out our number and call us. I even remember the days when the operator would tell you the address of the person whose number you were seeking.

Today, both Michael and Estée called to say my late cousin's daughter got in touch with them via Facebook, having found them by their last name, so they could tell me of his death. The incident left me a bit shaken, and made me realize that this is a strong reason to be on Facebook.


  1. Sorry about your cousin.
    We have set up a closed family group for all the aunts and uncles and cousins. It keeps everyone in contact and is a place to post family only (plus lots of jokes and memories). I feel like I keep so much closer to my cousins throughout Canada than if I only saw them every few years, maybe.

    1. Thank you. I like the idea of a family group. I'll look into it with my relatives.

  2. I know how you feel Nan. The only reason I got on FB is to stay in touch with my Grands that live away. They don't write letters or call but do postings that make me feel connected. I also found out about 2 cousins death on FB this past month. You don't have to be on it all the time just pop in for a check up every now and then.

    1. Isn't that amazing that you found out about the deaths on Fb. I'm going back very, very slowly.

  3. Sorry about your cousin, Nan. I struggle with Facebook all the time. I did delete my account a few years ago but a friend from the past called out of the blue and wanted me to go back on so we could exchange pictures etc. I was so glad I did as she passed away within the year. I would have never known if not for Facebook.

  4. FB is one of the primary ways I keep up with my many cousins, as well as nieces and nephews to some extent. One of my cousins got in touch with me a couple days ago to say she and her twin grandsons were coming through my city and could we get together. I'm expecting them tomorrow. It's been years since I've seen my cousin. I've never seen her grandsons in person. It's going to be such fun to catch up. I've also connected with my niece's maid of honor from her first wedding (convoluted, I know) but she's also in my city and we're getting together this week, too. We share political beliefs and have bonded on FB over this. These are the pluses--you know the drawbacks. Good luck.

  5. What a good idea a private group is Nan. I don't have a FB account myself (ludite!) because I do like the personal touch with letters and phone calls, but I also understand that people younger than me think this is the only way to communicate. I don't have grands or even children, so at my age, the family group would be very small..... and we do have a house telephone as well as cell phones. Here in the UK you can still call the operator for a number (at a cost). The world moves on, and we must move with it. I am sorry about your loss.

  6. I'm on Facebook too, Nan. Have been for a few years. I find it especially useful in today's world, a place to vent about our current administration. I think if I didn't have Facebook to vent on, I'd probably have exploded by now. HA! I also find it a great place to post art and just dish about things in general. And yes, keep track of friends and family and several groups which I've joined. My daughter initially talked me into joining Facebook which I'd resisted for a long while. But time marches on and we must too or be left behind I suppose. I still have a land line. Yes, I do. Though I also have a cell phone - a very late addition (just last year) for me to deal with - still haven't quite gotten the hang of it though. Ha.

  7. I'm sorry about your cousin, Nan. I joined Facebook only three to four years ago, that too after careful thought and much hesitation. Now I'm glad I did for I have reconnected with old friends and family, and post about thrice a week on books, comics, movies, and this, that and the other. I never post, or comment on, controversial issues including politics and religion. I'm on FB for some fun and sentiment, and that's about it.

  8. I have a love/hate relationship with FB. I love seeing all the photos of family and friends and I've started following various Oregon pages to get ideas of places to visit, but I really dislike all the posts about friends liking something another friend shared when I don't even know those friends. Sometimes, I learn something new, but it tends to make for a long feed. But, the pictures are what make it all worthwhile. I've been able to watch my cousins' children grow up via FB. I would have missed out on so much of their lives if I only received an annual Christmas card photo.

    Welcome back! I'm glad you've returned! :)

  9. Such an interesting post and also all the comments. I am in the love/hate camp... enjoy seeing pix of my great-grands and following their news (but can't imagine how granddaughter has time to do what she does plus FB) other granddaughter got me on FB years ago when she was in middle school. Now she is 21 and almost never uses it. But every old lady I know from RVing and high school has a FB account and most of them I really don't care to know what they think about religion and politics etc... but I feel bad refusing or ignoring a request for friendship. I finally figured out how to stay friends but not see everything they post. So I can live with it now ...

  10. We have a private family group on Facebook as well. It's a good way to keep up with us all scattered far and wide. We post photographs and messages which is delightful. I get drawn into the rest of it too often I'm afraid, then I have to fast for a while. At the moment, here in the UK, you can imagine how busy it is politically, I did get too involved over the election so had a day off yesterday. I think, as with most things, one has to just be aware, it is potentially a very powerful tool and can be used for good and not so good. xx


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