Thursday, May 16, 2013

Baked Spaghetti

This recipe may lead you to exclaim that I need to get out more. Who posts a recipe for baked spaghetti? Doesn't everyone know this? Well, I didn't. A couple years ago we went to someone's house for dinner, and she very kindly made it for the vegetarians, while everyone else had some kind of meat dish. I loved it. I'd never had it before, and indeed had never even heard of it. It is quite a different taste from regular boiled spaghetti topped with sauce. And it tastes different from a baked pasta like macaroni or rigatoni. In case there are one or two of you who have never had this simplest of meals, here's what you do.

Boil about half a package of vermicelli. I chose it because it cooks fast. 
Grease a baking dish - I used an 8x8.
Add half the cooked spaghetti.
Top with sauce.
Add another layer of spaghetti.
Top with more sauce.
Sprinkle breadcrumbs over the top.
Of course if you eat cheese, which I don't, you will put some grated cheese between the layers and on top before, or instead of, the breadcrumbs.
Bake a few minutes in a preheated 350ยบ F. oven.

That's it. Easy peasy. And delicious.

Before cooking

After cooking


  1. Hey Nan!
    I will try this with my hubby's gluten free pasta. This makes me hungry!

  2. That looks yummy, comforting. I always use leftover spaghetti the second night by adding in vegetable juice and baking it. Mine topped with cheese, my husband's not. By the third night he's ready for something different or I would do a repeat. There's just something so satisfying about pasta.

  3. I don't eat spaghetti much. I don't know why. I like it. I have never made it this way. I might try it. I love your header photo. It screams spring. :)

  4. Well, I must be the last person in the world to hear about this because it's all new to me. A nice idea, thanks for sharing it, Nan.

  5. Nothing wrong with posting the simplest of recipes, Nan - it's often the simplest ones that we love best! Why, I even posted the recipe for "Toast Hawaii" on my blog, much to my sister's amusement.

  6. Baked spaghetti is new to me as well, so thank you for the recipe. I always cook mine on top of the stove, and make a sauce with tomatoes, onions and garlic, but I'm ready to try something new.

  7. I am beyond thrilled that this is something that is new to others as well as to me! I think you'll love it!

  8. This reminds me I have day old spaghetti in the fridge which I want to have for lunch. But I have to go to brunch this morning! Bummer.

    1. I've got some more in the oven right now. :<)


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