Friday, April 12, 2013

Mrs Bale asks, 'Seriously??'


  1. Ouch!

    We hit 93 here on Wednesday. I'm not saying I want freezing temps, but I could do with a few more moderate days before we hit melty all the time.

    1. Today is really awful. Glare ice. Bone-chilling. Yay April! But 93? That's a 'seriously??' as well. :<)

  2. Turning the corner into summer here in Florida - some folks have put their a.c. on, but I am still holding out with open windows and ceiling fans.

    1. I can't even see my spring 'corner' yet. :<) If I lived in the south, I'd want to try for one summer - at least once in my life - living the way people had lived before air conditioning. Wouldn't that make an interesting blog series?! Even up here, we all have ac in the car now.

  3. Hi Nan:

    Here is a picture of what we woke up to find yesterday morning. Broken tree limbs, and everything covered with ice. I think Mother Nature must be very annoyed with us, as she is going to send up snow today.

    1. Almost identical to here only not so many broken limbs. I find those little icicles on the wires very beautiful. And we did get snow overnight. Not much but still enough to make the view white. We've had gra(e)y days for oh, so long now.

  4. trying again to leave a comment

    why, oh why, won't it let me get past the verification - maybe I'm a robot

    1. The word verification on some blogs take me several times to work. Just the other day I emailed a woman with my comment saying I had tried to leave one on her blog and couldn't. Well, she wrote back that she got all three of them. I do feel badly that it is an extra unpleasant step but otherwise I would get many, many spams each day. And I couldn't just delete them because occasionally a real person's comment would be among them.

  5. Oh dear, I have to admit that I prefer spring in Louisiana!! But get back with me in August when I'll be singing a different tune!

    1. You sure would these past few days. Raw, drizzly rain/snow, yuck.

  6. Belatedly realised you are back! Great news.

  7. Sorry about the nasty April weather, but smiling thinking about Mrs Bales....

    The comments above were fun to read. We have only needed A/C on a couple of days and only because we are painting ceilings and things like that...even in our little cottage it's warmer up there.

    1. Just got an email from Tom's folks who are leaving Florida tomorrow to come home. She said it was 'hot and sticky.' I told her it sure wasn't here!

  8. Your images look like my area about 10 days ago.
    Spring has arrived here "it seems" overnight everything
    is budding and sun is shining.
    It will happen for you.
    Just seems like it is taking longer this year...

  9. Hope you are getting some lovely sunshine today, as we are... finally!

    1. Nope. Well, once in a while it pops out for five minutes, and then back to drizzly and raw. It has seemed to me that we've had much less sunshine this winter/spring.

  10. Will winter never leave us this year?? The ice finally went off the lake Thursday, but today the ground is covered with snow :-(

    1. We seem to go in periods of weather. Days and days of strong winds. Then days and days of raw cold. Then days and days of precipitation.

  11. It's nasty here in central Illinois, too. We don't have snow, but lots of cool, raw, rainy days. We've only had a handful of days in the 60s, but we did reach 70 on Sunday. But now it's back to the icebox! I just hope we don't skip spring altogether and go directly into summer. It happens a lot here.


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