Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Weights and lengths

 If you grow zucchini, you know that even if you check often there will still be one that you miss until it is overgrown. After our big one was picked today, Hazel said that I should take a picture and put it on my blog! 

When we weighed and measured it, we were kind of bowled over by a couple facts. The zucchini weighed 2.2 pounds and was 13 inches long. 

When Hazel was born, she weighed 2.2 pounds and was 14 inches long. It makes me cry as I write this. She is a miracle, and not for a second do I ever forget it. And here she is today with that zucchini.


  1. Nan, I love this sweet story and to look at Hazel you would never guess she had been a premie. Sweet

  2. What a lovely photo, Nan. Such a lovely girl. Oh yes, the one courgette that hides and you'd think you couldn't miss it but you do. Not that we have any this year as the slugs ate the plants. In fact the veggie garden has been a dead loss this year, we had drought, too many slugs and snails, and Peter ill for weeks so I wasn't free to look after the garden properly. Such is the life of a gardener.

    1. Thank you, Cath. She is a lovely girl inside and out.
      And such a disaster this summer has been for you. I am so relieved Peter is better, but geez. so sad about the garden. I haven't had a minute to stop by but I will soon, I hope. Maybe I'll email, too.

  3. Nan, you made me cry with this story. I do indeed remember when Hazel was born and how tiny, tiny she was. Look at her now - so big and almost grown! Not really, but it comes so fast doesn't it? The zucchini is nice too! LOL

    1. Thank you, Kay. She was 53 inches a few days ago!

  4. I remember when Miss Hazel was born and terribly worried we all were for her parents and you guys! She has grown into such a lovely young lady. I enjoy seeing pics of her on her mama's IG page. So, what are you going to make with that zucchini? Hope all is well with you, my friend. I miss you hearing from you. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Les. I showed Margaret the zucchini today, and she lifted it. It is almost impossible to believe. We spent some time this week looking at pictures of when she was born, and her parents. She was very interested. Will cut up the zucchini and put it out for the deer/

  5. What a lovely post, Nan! I, too, remember when Hazel was born and, seeing her picture today, marvel at how happy, healthy, and grown up looks!

  6. I also remember when Hazel was born and how small she was and all that equipment to help her along. She is such a lovely young girl now. She is indeed a miracle child. And I hope the deer enjoy their zucchini.

    1. Thank you, Alex.
      I'm sure they will - they enjoyed the leaves on the zucchini in the garden a couple nights ago!

  7. That is such a cool photo! I'm glad you shared it. Your blog header photos always make me smile. You live in a beautiful part of the country and how I wish I could take that much cold weather!! I was just pitching the idea of moving north (again) to my husband.

    1. It is only cold in winter. The summers are gorgeous, and the fall is gorgeous. Spring can be warm or cool or rainy or not.

  8. I do remember when she was born! And how wonderful to have her pose with the zucchini that is almost exactly her size at birth! We do the same thing when we grow our cucumbers, there is almost always one that we don't see. When I was a kid, the ones that were too big were given to us and we wrapped them up in a washcloth and they were our "babies". Me telling you this goes along with your post, doesn't it? :-)


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