Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Today's picture/taking my youth...

... and putting it on a Kleenex box. Really?


  1. Ha! Not sure if it makes me want to sneeze - or cry.

  2. That's really funny. But I know how you feel. I suddenly realized the my life had become a historical doll when the American Girl's came out with a 1974 historic doll (only she has more clothes and stuff). Still, my values, principles, and beliefs haven't changed since then and I suspect neither have yours.

  3. Haha - we're retro :) Love your lily banner!

  4. Flower power and Peace signs --yes, our youth Nan.

  5. Yep... gotta' hate it when your youth becomes nostalgia. (I am old enough that this happened to me about 10 years ago. Or more.) The stuff from my youth deserves to be 'past' but I wish the stuff from yours was not just on a Kleenex box, but that it had all come true.


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