Saturday, January 11, 2025

First book of the year - quick review

I finished my first book of 2025 today.

And how I loved it! I was a big fan of Hayley Mills when I was a kid, as were most people my age. 

As she wrote about the movies she has been in, I realized that I may have seen only Pollyanna and The Parent Trap. I am going to try and get ahold of some of the more serious ones like Tiger Bay and Whistle Down the Wind, as well as some of the ones she did when she was older. 

She is a very good writer. Highly recommended.


  1. I am so glad you loved this one, Nan. I remember seeing Hayley Mills when I was a child too. She was one of my mom's favorites.

    1. She really was a huge hit in those early days.

  2. Gosh, this is a blast from the past. I loved her in The Parent Trap but I can remember seeing Whistle Down the Wind at about ten or eleven and being really affected by it in the way that you are at that age. Such a beautiful film and Hayley Mills was wonderful in it. How is life treating you, Nan? I hope you and the family are all well?

    1. I am going to look for a copy of it.
      Doing okay. Thanks for asking. Still adjustments, and I find myself very tired. But working through. Thank you for asking.
      I think of you so very often, and have loved reading your posts lately.

  3. Hayley Mills - definitely a blast from the past. Glad you enjoyed this book and shared that with us, Nan. Funny thing - we were watching an episode of Death In Paradise on either Britbox or Acorn - can't remember which carries it. Anyway, there was an older lady in the episode and I kept thinking she looked familiar. Anyway, looked up who was it was and....yes, Hayley Mills. I laughed and laughed.

  4. That's a good first book of the year. I remember her from my childhood. Thanks for highlighting this memoir.

  5. I remember Hayley Mills. How old is she now? In her 70s?

  6. Oh, I know I would love this book! Now, if you ever see the book, "Whistle Down The Wind", buy it! It is rare. It was written by the mother of Hayley Mills! Richard and I saw the musical, "Whistle Down The Wind" in London in 2006. (Our son was with us too!)The next day, we went to Foyle's, the big book store there. I looked for a copy of "Whistle Down the Wind". None to be found! I have a copy now, a paperback one. Her mother must have been an absolute joy and delight, like her daughter! (I once worked with a girl from England. She told me her favorite film was "Whistle Down the Wind". When I saw we could see it in London, I booked the tickets.)

    1. I would be interested in the book and the movie. Her mother wasn't quite a "joy and delight". Drinking problems, for one. But Hayley is so gracious toward everyone she writes about. Not ever nasty or condescending.

    2. Oh, that is so sad, that her Mom had drinking problems and of course, that would have been hard on children. Still, I notice that often some of the nicest adults didn't always have the best of childhoods and perhaps, it is due to that that they are determined to be happy as adults. (Does that make sense?) Forgiveness and love just go hand in hand.

  7. Mary Hayley Bell. That's her mother's name. x

    1. Yes. And Hayley is the first time the name was a first name for a girl. Kind of like Wendy wasn't a girl's name until Peter Pan was written. Now both names are quite common.

  8. Hey! I left you 2 comments already but I remembered I wrote a post back in 2012 on Whistle Down the Wind.

    1. I'll go read it right now! Thank you.

    2. Thanks, Nan! Just now seeing these replies and it is March! LOL!

  9. She was one of my favorites when I was growing up. And I remember how excited I was as an adult when she showed up in The Flame Trees of Thika,, which they showed on Masterpiece Theater, if I remember correctly.

    1. Yes, it has been fun watching her in adult roles. I am always tickled to see her.


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