Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Today's pictures - sunshine

After about nine days of dark, cloudy weather we have sun today. The blog header picture was taken yesterday, and here is the same view today.

 And if you look closely, you may be able to see the smoke coming out of the chimney, against the blue, blue sky.


  1. That is indeed a blue sky, Nan! And I see the smoke! OK, the sky outside my window looks like your header. We are supposed to get some rain later this afternoon and evening. Won't turn it away. We're still trying to recover from the horrible drought of the last year. Pretty pictures!

    1. Thank you for coming by, again. It means a lot, Kay. We have had a lot of rain all through the seasons. Margaret was trapped at work for hours because of flooding just recently.

  2. Lovely photos! We had claer blue skies for several days but clouds are back now. I appreciate it when it's clear and I can watch the birds soaring.

    1. Clouds are back today! What birds do you see?

    2. Far down the road there is an eagle we occasionally see wheeling about, it's magnificent. Closer by, in our field, I can watch the black vultures. There are usually a good number of those. In my backyard area I feed birds and have the usual varities of cardinals, house wrens, tit mouse and lately the gold finches have been making an appearance.

    3. Thank you for answering. No eagles or vultures here, except once there were turkey vultures which apparently don't kill. I didn't even think there were tit mice (mouses?) in this country. I've only heard of them in English books! We aren't feeding this year except cracked corn on the ground which a deer, a few bluejays, and a couple of turkeys are eating. And a suet feeder which drew a hairy woodpecker. It's nice having them around.

    4. I love seeing the birds. I mentioned what I was telling you to my husband and he said, you didin't tell her about the red tail hawks? My ommision for sure as they screetch and scare mice out of the fiels so they can grab a meal. Another bird we see quite a bit if, but not soaring about, are the pileated woodpeckers. They are magnificently large and colorful and remind me of bowling pins as they fly across the field. So large and oddly shapened.

    5. Yeah, I try to like the predators, but I have a hard time!
      Those woodpeckers are amazing. Great description of them!

  3. Nothing to lift one's spirits but a sunny day after a series of grey ones, is there!

  4. Your beautiful house picture made me start singing an old one: Blue skies smiling at me, nothing but blue skies do I see. This morning we had them too but it's overcast now. There was a great blue heron standing on the dock of the pond when I opened the kitchen door this morning. I love it when he visits.

  5. Oh, what a glorious sky! There is something about a blue sky during the winter, especially if the temps are crisp. We've had sun and clouds (and rain!) for several days, and there's a possibility of even getting snow at the end of next week. Our little birdies are very busy, quickly gobbling up all the seed that Rod puts out every week. Thank you so much for sharing your photos, Nan.

    1. I think February has the bluest of all skies here.
      Our weather has been more typical of yours the last several months.
      You only have to feed the birds once a week?? We aren't feeding this year, but when we do, it is sometimes twice or ever three times a day we put out food.


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