Sunday, December 27, 2015

Today's picture / Christmas day

I didn't dream of a green Christmas!


  1. Isn't that such a strange thing for you? Green Christmas! Our weather was so warm on Xmas Day that we had to have the A/C going because of people like me with coughs - too many people in the house and it would have been too warm. Almost 80 the other day and last night we had sleet. Weather extremes. Bet you get some snow soon.

  2. Hasn't this been an odd winter so far! Love your header photo.

  3. I was thinking of you and how you were having a dry Christmas this year! We had snow on Christmas Eve, so everyone was quite happy and in good moods. Out here on the Oregon coast, we're enjoying a mixture of rain and sunshine. The waves are huge, though, and are crashing against the bluff with more force than I have ever seen. It's quite something!

  4. It was green Christmas over here, too, with primula in people's gardens coming out and birds singing as if it were March!
    Your house is lovely, but you already know that :-)


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