
Monday, February 2, 2015

Quote du jour/Candlemas Day

I put up a post 8 (!!) years ago about Candlemas Day, and here I am again with another quote I read in my Old Farmer's Almanac Engagement Calendar today.
If Candlemas Day be stormy and black, it carries the winter away on its back.
Well, it snowed all day. And I saw that Punxsutawney Phil predicted another six weeks of winter, which seems just the opposite of the above quote. So, what I'm going to do is put in my DVD of Groundhog Day, and thoroughly enjoy watching one of my very favorite movies.


  1. Yes, I love that movie too! It was written by Harold Ramis, who also wrote Ghostbusters, another very funny movie! Also, I love Andie McDowell, a nice Southern gal from South Carolina!
    No matter what the predictions are, I am hoping for an early Spring for you!

  2. I read recently that Groundhog Day evolved out of Candlemas, located as it is roughly halfway between the solstice and the equinox.

  3. Happy Ground Hog Day. I invited 10 ladies over for tea to celebrate Ground Hog Day yesterday. We talked about gardens, gardening, people and plants. A good time was had by all. Wish you could have been here. I love the picture on your header. Keep warm. I hope the blizzard that blew through this week didn't bury you in snow.

  4. I love that movie too. Can't think when I last saw it. I love the fact that Bill Murray's character actually learns from his mistakes. Is that what we all need sometimes? A re-boot over and over like Groundhog Day? :-)

  5. Oh that Phil! And don't you love the Almanac! We get one every year and I have a few years from my Dad's - just can't make myself get rid of them. We also buy their garden wall calendar every year - a tradition for us.

  6. "Don't forget your booties 'cause it's COLD out there today…"

    Yep, one of my comedy comfort movie favorites from childhood :)

  7. We're getting more snow today! I can't remember the last time I watched this movie. I love Bill Murray, so I will see about streaming this over the weekend sometime.

    Love your winter header, my dear.


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