
Monday, February 16, 2015

Followup on those three little birds

Last month when I wrote the post featuring the song Three Little Birds I was in the worst despair. My friend was so, so sick. And then he began to slowly get better. His mum and brother posted most every day on Facebook with health updates. Some days were better than others but every day he got a little stronger, and now is at his brother’s home with his mother taking care of him, expected to make a full recovery. Tom and I are so very thankful. This man is one of the dearest people we know. 

And then, almost as soon as he got better a very close mutual friend wrote and said she had some medical tests coming up and she was scared about them. A day or two later we were down at Michael and Estée and Campbell’s house, and the music they were playing was, you guessed it, Three Little Birds. I came home that night and wrote to my friend. I sent her to the blog entry first so she would know what I was talking about, and then told her about hearing the song right out of the blue that day. She wrote back and was incredibly grateful and said she’d be looking for those three little birds. A couple days later she posted on her Facebook page a painting that was in the examination room - it was of three little birds. All her tests came back with good results, and she is just fine. 

Miracle upon miracle. We are filled with gratefulness. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. I believe they helped.


  1. So glad your friends are on the upswing. You r thoughts and keeping in touch the way you did were a huge help to them I'm sure.

  2. Isn't it amazing when we see signs that thoughts and prayers are heard? Such a touching story, your 3 little birds. I'll have to remember it and pass it along. So glad your friends are better.

  3. Miracles do happen. Like right now there is 8 inches of snow on the ground, it is still snowing and a song sparrow is singing. The little dear acts like it isn't 15F. Life does go on...beautifully.

  4. What wonderful news! I love those kinds of signs from the universe.

  5. Such an uplifting set of stories and follow-up to your previous post. Smiling here, Nan.

  6. Oh, I am so glad.
    "Every little thing gonna be alright". Just BELIEVE it! xx

  7. That's great news, and I am so glad for you and everyone involved!


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