
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quote du jour/Donald Culross Peattie

The last fling of winter is over.  ...  The earth, the soil itself, has a dreaming quality about it.  It is warm now to the touch; it has come alive; it hides secrets that in a moment, in a little while, it will tell.
Donald Culross Peattie (1898-1964)

If you'd like to know more about Peattie, there is a nice article here.

It rained overnight and into today, washing away some snow, overflowing the little stream, and making mud pie of the road. I can't remember when it last rained. Isn't it funny - the snows of winter completely erase even the notion of rain from my mind. 

I took this picture in the morning looking out the screened study window. 


  1. It's been raining hard here all day. I know what you mean about the first rain after a winter's worth of snow. I noticed our grass is actually turning green this afternoon. Wonderful hint of spring.

    1. And last night it snowed! Gotta love March around here. :<)

  2. I had never heard of Peattie but love his thought of the soil holding secrets that it soon will tell. I followed your link to more about him and couldn't help thinking as I read it that he did remind me of the Agrarians here at Vanderbilt University, especially in his interest in a rural culture and the dangers of industrialization.

    I'm still so happy you're back and also wanted to tell you that I finally got Outsider in Amsterdam yesterday in the mail and began it today while having lunch. I'm glad you recommended it as it is really pulling me in. Don't know if I'll be able to find further ones in the series as they seem to be rare and pricey but will keep my eye open.

    1. I hadn't either. But I want to read his stuff. And I just looked up the Agrarians - had never heard of them. Lots of info here, if anyone else is interested:
      I plan to read more. I've heard of a few of the writers but have read only Penn Warren. Thanks so much for introducing me.
      OiA isn't your usual mystery at all. I did like it, and I want to read more. You might try the ILL system at your library for others in the series.

    2. My favorite of the Agrarians was Andrew Nelson Lytle and his A Wake for the Living my favorite book. He loved farming but claimed one couldn't be a farmer and a writer. A product of his time, as were the other Agrarians, but a gentleman to the core.

  3. So lovely to have you back. We have had masses of rain all winter but yesterday it was snowing and again today a few flakes. The lone daffodil that is out in my garden is bowing it's head not sure what is going on! So the earth feels to be more about surviving here at the moment, roll on the dreaming, lovely sensation.


  4. 'Making mudpies out of the road' is such a perfect description! I know exactly what it would feel like to be in your yard right now. Spring is definitely on the way for you though. I'm glad you're here to share it with us.

    1. It's even worse down in Matt and Margaret's driveway. Deep ruts. They say we have five seasons here, and this is Mud season.

  5. Beautiful header picture and so glad to see you back again. Yes, the snow does obscure the rain. We had snow again today. The flakes were enormous but I don't think it will settle.

    1. Thank you. It's looking down the road from the house.
      We just had more snow and now I've forgotten all about that rain. :<)

  6. Finally, a sunny day here after lots of snow then lots of rain. The daffodils are poking through and the crocus are as well. Still, it is March and we've been known to have blizzards. I love your picture, Nan, with the rain giving it a mood, and I did click on the link. I did not know of Mr. Peattie and will be interested in finding more of his writings, especially since he is from around my neck of the woods.

    1. Weather is eternally fascinating, isn't it.
      He really does sound very interesting.

  7. I am eagerly awaiting the earth to awaken so I can get outside in the garden. Winter has returned to Holland alas...

    Good to see you back Nan!

    Hugs from Holland ~

    1. Thank you. And it is still technically winter. Only a few more days though. :<)

  8. We had the rain a few days ago and I love your description of mud pie roads!! That is exactly what ours are right now!

    1. Since then it has been quite cold. Single numbers. And apparently a big snowstorm is heading our way.

  9. What a fabulous photo! I love the rain against the screen.

    We hit 70 yesterday, but another cold front came blowing in last night. I have my fingers crossed for some rain... and we might get snow again late next week!

    1. Ah, March! We've got snow coming. And it is very cold.


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