
Monday, June 14, 2010

Vacuum update, and a thank you

Well, here I am with my new upright vacuum cleaner. :<) Not what I thought I wanted, and not a brand I expected to buy but I am happy, happy with my new Electrolux. We hadn't even researched it. We went to Lowes fully intending to check out all the Dyson models and come home with one. But the Electrolux was the first one we came to, and I watched the little videos and read the literature. It was half the price of the Dyson Animal, and it may well turn out to be half the quality, but we thought why not? If it doesn't work out, we can always go back and buy the other one. But it really seems fine, and actually more than just fine. I love it! Who knew? I was sure I wanted a canister type. But the upright is just great. It has a button to make the handle go lower. It has buttons for rugs and for bare floors. It has NO bags, which thrills me. It looks beautiful in my butt'ry. And I cleaned the whole downstairs in about an hour. Unheard of! There was so much less stopping, and putting on attachments. These attachments are all right on the machine, and it just takes a minute to put one on. There is a great telescoping wand with a brush on the end with which I can do the whole set of stairs. I can take the whole thing off and put on a little attachment to vacuum the furniture. No complaints, just joy. And I was smiling as I worked.

Here it is. That little dog and cat sticker can come off but I kinda like it.

And this is how much dirt I got! I had just vacuumed three days before. You push a button while holding it over the trash can, and it drops right out. Easy peasy.

And now I want to thank you all so very much for leaving notes about what you liked and didn't like. It was rather like reading reviews of machines online. One person would love a certain kind, and another had nothing but trouble with it. That seemed especially true of the Dyson which is why we thought we'd go with a cheaper machine.


  1. I saw those Electrolux vacuums at Lowes too and I think that is the next vacuum I'm getting!

  2. I thought of you, Sherri! So far, so good.

  3. Okay, I never thought I would see the day that a post about vacuums would be so interesting!!! But here it is, and I am very interested in this post!

  4. Isn't the amount of hair and dirt amazing??? I wish I could teach my dog to vacuum as he's the biggest offender in the house!! Have fun with your new toy!

  5. You have a butt'ry! And you say "easy peasy" just like I used to say with my students. I know, this was a post about your new vacuum, but I get excited about the stuff that excites me!

  6. Looks like a Dyson and sucks like a Dyson...LOL. Glad you are enjoying the housework. It does have to be done.

  7. I missed your initial post, but after buying 3 upright vacuums in 5 years, 2 years ago we bout the purple Dyson Animal model, and it was worth every penny. Hope you are happy with your purchase Nan.

  8. The vacuum looks lovely Nan. We don't seem to have that one here, not yet anyway.It is great you got one you are happy with and at a good price.
    The iris is beautiful,and the peony in your last post is going to be magnificent when it flowers. These are two of my favourite flowers.


  9. My mother worked for electrolux back in the 50s - and I had a second hand electrolux for years and I loved it. It was so dependable and worked well. I like not having bags. But I have anotehr tag sale vacuum now, which has a bag, but works well enough. For now.

  10. I like the idea of no bag. That changing the bag is a most annoying chore. Your new vacuum is quite handsome.

  11. Congratulations on your vacuum and may it bring you much homemaking satisfaction!
    I do love my electrolux as it has been so faithful to me!
    Loved the responses though!

  12. wow, you got all that dirt??? I use a Panasonic, but if I ever need to buy a new vacuum, I'll look at the Electrolux first.

  13. Laura, I laughed right out loud when I read this!

    Staci, what a brilliant idea! Actually my Ben will come up to me while I'm vacuuming so I will vacuum him, whereas Sadie hates the vac. But then again, she enjoys being brushed and he doesn't. :<)

    Clair, there is more about the butt'ry here:


    It is in the process of great renovation just now. I love 'easy peasy' too. :<)

    Layanee, I actually do enjoy it, most of the time. :<)

    Diane, I may end up doing the same thing, but we thought we'd start here and see how it goes.

    Patricia, those peonies are open wide now! It seems to happen overnight.

    Commonweeder, I don't think this E. is from the original company. It's all quite confusing.

    More here, if you want to wade through it!

    Lisa, it isn't that heavy to push around either. I won't be carrying it up the stairs since I'll keep my old Electrolux for the floors up there.

    Joanne, check out what I wrote to Common weeder. Big business can be so confusing. :<)

    Gigi, yeah! Two black shedding dogs will do it every time!

  14. Has all the same features as my beloved Dyson and yet half the price? You scored, Nan!

  15. Susan, I hope so! Time will tell, as they say.

  16. I have a bagless and the amount of hair and dirt are amazing, in a disgusting sort of way. If I could figure out the animation process, I think I could make a whole new cat every time I vacuum.

    The lime green trim on your new machine is so fresh!

  17. J.G., that is hilarious!! There was even more hair this week because there was a whole week in between. Incredible!

  18. Can I just say I love the color and sleekness of your new vacuum?! It's beautiful. :) I'll be anxious to hear how you feel about the Electrolux after the newness wears off. If you're still thrilled with it by 2011, I may have to splurge and buy one to replace my fairly new Kenmore. It just doesn't seem to pick up the dog hair as well as I'd like. At least not off one of the large rugs we have in the kitchen. It may just be that the nap of that rug holds on to the dog hair more firmly than the berber carpet throughout the house.

  19. So far, so good. I am much more relaxed about vacuuming now, and I think it has to do with the ease of the new machine. Who knew that I would like an upright so much?

  20. Okay, I am particularly interested in this post because my Kenmore bit the dust (every pun intended) a month ago and it has been a v.e.r.y. long month of sweeping and sneezing. I am going to check Lowes out to see what I think and what I'm thinking now is that I could get happy about a bagless vacuum cleaner.

  21. Vee, so far I am very happy with my Electrolux upright. And I LOVE not having bags. Let me know what you get!

  22. Oh wow! This is very similar to the Dyson. I'm so glad you like it! I hope I'll like the Dyson as much as you like your Electrolux. It's really fun to see that dirt collected, isn't it?

  23. And thanks so much for telling me about this, Nan. This was so much fun to see.

  24. Kay, I'll be interested to see how it works out for you.


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