
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Product placement/Sea Jerky

Look at our Sadie run! Ears blowing in the wind as she flies through the wildflowers.

Well, when she was a little one she couldn't do this. At first we thought she just had 'funky' legs - that she just ran funny, but as she grew to maturity, we realized that she had real problems. It was hard for her to get up when she had been sleeping. She couldn't really run. The vet thought there was probably some arthritis, but gosh, she was awfully young for that to set in. Then we found this stuff at the health food store. The owner told us that people swore by it. So we gave it a try, and it worked like a miracle cure. At five years old now, she is so much better than she was at one or two. It is pricey, but so very worth the cost to us. We are quite sure she would have had to be put down by now if she had continued on the way she was. You may read more about the product here. There are different flavors. The smell is quite alluring to the dogs, and they love the taste. Since Ben doesn't need it, Tom does what he calls 'the sleight of hand' each evening. He gets out the sea jerky and also a couple dog bones. He rubs the dog biscuits with the sea jerky strip, and Ben gets them while Sadie gets her medicine.


  1. I'll have to keep an eye out for this. Max has severe hip dysplasia, and we have avoided problems so far by keeping him thin and active and giving him Springtime, Inc.'s Joint Health. But if the arthritis ever starts to kick in, I will definitely look for this!


  2. Lezlie, your product may be the same idea. Who knows if Sadie even had arthritis - we never did any tests. Maybe there was some kind of problem with her joints? Whatever it was this sea jerky has worked like a charm. I can't praise it highly enough. If you decide to buy some, the link I offered sells it. Good luck with Max. And by the way, Sadie is definitely not thin - 120 pounds. :<) I think she looks just right for a Lab/Rotty mix.

  3. LOL! A lab/rottie is going to be a much bigger dog than my little peanut of a border collie. He's only 40 lbs! I'm glad that whatever it is, it worked for Sadie! We were told when Max was only 10 months old that he most likely wouldn't be able to walk by the time we was two. Now he's five and a half and not only walking just fine, but doing agility! Dogs are amazing animals!


  4. Nan, thanks so much for writing about this. We almost had to have our chocolate lab put down at the end of last year due to 'unspecified' joint problems. She reacted badly to the vet's treatment and I bought high strength glucosamine instead. This has worked well, but I like the sound of your stuff. I've found a UK stockist, this is the link if anyone else over here wants it -it's called Seaflex for dogs (but I got the supplier from the US site so it's the same product).
    I hope it's as good for Bunty as it's been for Sadie (I love that name- it's my daughter's middle name!)

  5. Sadie is a big girl. I am glad you found something that helps her. I might try some of it for Luna as a preventitive measure.

  6. I will have to remember this for my grand-dog, should he ever need something like this.

  7. Our Moll is getting very arthritic now - she's 10 this year, I think. I shall see if I can buy it here. I'm sure she would like the taste, she loves fishy things!

  8. Nan, what a great product! Glad you found it for your puppy!

  9. I was so happy to come home from grocery shopping and find all your comments. If this helps any other dogs, I will be so, so happy. It is a miracle to us to see Sadie so healthy and active. If you haven't read the other comments and you live in Britain, please see the link Rattling On left for a source over there. There is beef flavor as well as the 'fishy' flavor. Sadie loves them all. Tom calls it her 'chewin' gum' :<)

  10. Hi Nan..First of all..I LOVE that beautiful header....stunning..and what I really, really love is the poem about heaven by the beloved Gladys Taber....

    You're doggy looks so cute. I have a special needs dog too. Butterscotch, my blind toy poodle. He is ALOT of work, but we love him like a child. He is our child...

    I'm still working on my "blog trouble".....

    More Later,

  11. I will remember this! Gracie is 8 years and so far no signs of arthritis.

  12. Kary, her words sure are my idea of heaven, and maybe a little earth, too. :<)
    I love the name, Butterscotch.

    Mare, it is good to know such a product is out there if we need it.

  13. Some years ago our Taffy was having some joint problems. The vet suggested a supplement made from green lipped sea mussels. Worked like a charm! Interesting how both these supplements from ocean waters worked so well.

    Old Pepper (13 years) is past that stage - we have her on Zubrin. But might also add in the sea jerky. Anything stinky is fine with her!

    - J.


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