
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday Sally/December 20

I haven't done a Saturday Sally in way too long. Here are three great places to stop in and visit.

Robin has the nicest piece on her mother who has just retired from her volunteer job as book group leader.

Dulce Domum offers a wealth of information on foods from past times.

And check out the adorable ears on Eva's new cat!


  1. Please stop doing Saturday Sallies! They are so good I end up adding yet more blogs to my places to visit. Some day soon I'll have to put 'real life' on hold and aimply exist in a blogging world.

  2. I'm laughing S.Senex! Isn't it the truth! Check out all the blogs on my sidebar sometime! I could honestly spend all day every day reading them. And I have a browser folder of 'new visits' of ones I haven't yet added to the lists. Whew! But each one is so good, so worthwhile, and adds so much to my life.

  3. Thanks, Nan, for the link to my post about Mom and all her books! She's thrilled with the kindness of everyone, and loved your Saturday Sally idea and photo! (I feel the same way as Scriptor Senex ... we'll have to put "real life" on hold!)

  4. Robin, I was just so touched by it.


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