
Saturday, December 15, 2007

Blog header picture :<(

Have you noticed blogs with truncated blog header photos? Mine changed yesterday. I went to blogger help and groups and found some other people who were complaining, but nothing has been fixed yet so I just took mine off. :<( I hope they can fix this because I love those pictures on other blogs and my own.


  1. Hi Nan ~ The same thing happened to my Keeping of Christmas and Authors' Ridge blogs. I thought it was just me, but then when I checked my favorite blogs I noticed yours was the same way. Very frustrating! I like those pictures.
    ~ Joanne

  2. The picture in my header changed without warning and it now looks like total poop. I'm glad to know that it's not something I did; yet it would be nice to have it return to how I'd set it up. Someone is going to think I don't know how to photograph things properly. I think you have the right away to just do away with the picture entirely.

    By the way, I am really enjoying the von Trapp CD "Christmas Song." I played it all morning while baking cookies, and it was so lovely.

    As opposed to my header.

  3. Nan, if you go to Template and edit Header, then choose the setting under placement that says "Instead of title and description" this puts all the photo in the header. It removes the blog title though, so I added it to my photo (in Photodraw)before adding it to the header. I hope this makes sense - it worked for me.

  4. I see that you put your photo back in your Header. But like me, I guess you can't Photo Shop your pics, and put your own Blog Name on it.

    So ~ what this boils down to is ~ People who can Photo Shop their pics, can get around the new Blogger thing. But we who can't Photo Shop, can't.

    Which is even more rotten. :-(


  5. I did an entry this morning, on this issue. And now I see, from a comment here, that those who can Photo Shop can get around it. Bahhhhhhhh humbug!!!



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